Suggested Reading
For Couples:
- Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love. I strongly recommend this book for any couple wanting to improve their relationship. This book was written by Sue Johnson, one of the most respected teachers of couples therapy in the world. Her information is excellent.
- Why Mars and Venus Collide, by John Gray. If you want more information about understanding the difference between men and women, I recommend this book highly. John Gray is a therapist that does a great job of explaining how men and women cope differently with stress. It has great tips on how to support the other gender and help them cope with stress.
- John Gottman – I recommend reading anything by this classic couples therapist. You may want to try: The Relationship Cure: A 5 Step Guide to Strengthening Your Marriage, Family, and Friendships.
- Mort Fertel‘s 5-CD set called The Marriage Fitness Audio Learning Program. If you want to listen to some very interesting CD’s about saving and repairing your marriage, you may find this useful. This system includes over 5 1/2 hours of listening with step-by-step instructions for how to save and restore your marriage. You can get to his website to order by clicking here.
- Revolutionary Sex by Alex Allman. If you are experiencing sexual problems in your relationship there is help. Whether you are experiencing problems around not enough sex, loss of desire, or infrequent, boring sex, or not reaching climax, there is a program I recommend, in addition to couples counseling. This program is designed for men, to help them become more aware of what a women needs sexually. It was developed by Alex Allman and yes…he has a program for women too, called Revolutionary Sex for Her.
For Parents:
- How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk by Faber and Mazlish. I think that it is possible to greatly increase your parenting skills by learning new strategies. This is a book that I suggest for highly effective parenting skills. Click on the title to find out more about this book, or to order it. This book is easy to read and understand, yet sophisticated in what it teaches parents about talking to their children. They have another book that is also very good. It is called: Siblings Without Rivalry: How to Help Your Children Live Together So You Can Live Too.
- Parenting With Love And Logic. This is another highly recommended book on parenting. This is a newer book and very popular right now with parents learning more effective and successful ways to parent there children. You may also find classes using this system locally in your community.
- “How to Stop Being Bullied and Teased Without Really Trying“. If your child is being bullied or picked on, I recommend a strategy taught by psychotherapist Izzy Kalman. He has written a great program available on CD, and read by his daughter, designed for your child to listen to. You may want to listen with your child, to help them think through and make use of the strategy. You may also want to listen to it alone, to help coach your child through this difficult hurdle. To find out more about it or order it click here!
For Men:
- The Way Of The Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Woman, Work, and Sexual Desire by David Deida. I highly recommend this book for any man who wants to clarify his purpose in the world and his relationship to women. It is an amazing book and great resource for men to develop their identity in the masculine realm.Suggested Reading For Couples
For Moving Forward with your Goals:
If you want to create a more fulfilling and satisfying life by moving forward with your goals, you may find help with Debbie Ford’s “The Best Year of Your Life”. To find out more about it or if you would like to order it click here.Suggested Reading For Couples,Suggested Reading For Couples
For Single Men:
If you are single and want to learn advanced social skills to make it much easier to meet women and develop relationships, click here to see some excellent resources for increasing your dating effectiveness.Suggested Reading For Couples
For Single Women:
- If you are single and want to learn strategies to meet men online and develop a relationship, click here to find some great training from a dating coach, Evan Marc Katz, who works exclusively with women. I suggest you sign up for his free newsletter first and get a taste of what he has to offer. He has other dating products for women, as well. His newsletters are filled with good tips and advice on finding a relationship through the effective use of online dating.
- If you are confused about what is going on in your dating relationship. Perhaps you see these dynamics happening: you get emotionally close, then you get distant, the relationship gets stuck and committment seems hard to get to. If this is happening, then you may get some help from the book A Fine Romance: The Passage of Courtship from Meeting to Marriage, written by Judith Sills, a therapist who specializes in dating relationships. Especially read the chapter called “The Switch”.
Please note that some of the links above are affiliate links, which means I may get a very small financial reward if you buy something on Amazon using them. Either way, these are my best suggestions and recommendations for books that can change your life.