I help struggling couples who long for love to reconnect in a happier, more satisfying relationship. These articles are designed to support you in that journey.blog, blog, blog

Holiday Blues – Some Help for the Holiday Season
The holiday season can be challenging. Have you got the holiday blues? The Christmas/Holiday season can stir up a variety of feelings for most people. Some of those feelings may include depression, worry and unhappiness with your relationship. Many people find that...

Emotional Wounds: Dealing With Hurts and Resentments
Emotional Wounds. Men and women are different in how they process and store emotions. There are always exceptions to this rule, but I’m about to describe how the majority of men and women deal with hurt and resentment. Both genders feel hurt and resentment, and...

Recovering Passion in Your Marriage After the Baby is Born
After the Baby is Born: Recovering Passion in Your Marriage. Every couple goes through specific developmental stages. These stages are markers of growth and development in the marriage. For example, you may find that there is a particularly tough stage that a couple...

Emotional Explosions & Arguments in your Relationship
Emotional Explosions and Arguments in Your Relationship. Are you having too many arguments in your relationship or marriage? I’ve been working with a lot of couples over the years. One of the most common concerns they bring up are arguments that get too aggressive....

The Nature of Your Fight: How to Avoid Damage to Your Relationship
How Couples are with Disagreements. The Nature of Your Fight. All couples will have disagreements. And most couples will talk to their spouse about their opinions and preferences and try to explain what they think is the best approach. But many couples get into...

Coming Home From Work Can Be Challenging For Couples
The Art of Coming Home from Work. Due to problems in the marriage, coming home from work can be challenging for couples - - and an emotionally painful thing to do. Spouses may avoid each other, not wanting to feel the distrust, emotional distance and conflict that...

Apologies that Work: “The Reparative Apology”
Why Apologies do not always work. Apologies do not always work so well, at repairing damaged relationships for a reason. The reason is this - that many people have a misunderstanding of what an apology is and what it is for. And many people avoid offering their...

Managing Your Experience of Depression
Managing Your Experience of Depression. At one time or another, everybody has felt “down”, low spirits, or at least a mild temporary hint of depression. Some know the deeper pain of a strong depression. For either situation, the things you do can have an influence...

Pet Peeves in Relationships
The Nature of Pet Peeves in Relationships. Pet Peeves in Relationships - Everyone has an internal blueprint or plan on how a household should be put together and how a family should operate. For instance: one person may prefer keeping a sponge to the left side of the...

It’s Not Always Fair in Relationship
No, it's Not Always Fair in Relationship. Every person is an individual, with distinct needs, strengths and weaknesses. The happiest couples are learning more everyday about who their partner is, and what makes them happy. And they take action, at least some of the...