It’s Not Always Fair in Relationship

It’s Not Always Fair in Relationship

No, it’s Not Always Fair in Relationship. Every person is an individual, with distinct needs, strengths and weaknesses.  The happiest couples are learning more everyday about who their partner is, and what makes them happy.  And they take action, at least some...
Dating Your Wife: The Lady Gaga Homework Assignment

Dating Your Wife: The Lady Gaga Homework Assignment

Dating Your Wife: The Lady Gaga Homework Assignment. Men and women have some very different needs.  It is important to understand the needs of your partner. If your partner is of a different gender, you may think that they have the same reality as you.  You may think...

Six Mind-Boggling Myths about Marriage

Myths about Marriage: These 6 astounding myths about marriage may be destroying your happiness with your partner. When relationships are getting damaged or beginning to fail, couples are usually believing some or all of these six myths.  See if you have any of these...

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