by Don Wallach | Nov 18, 2018 | Events/Classes
Are you overloaded with stress? Feeling worn out, tired and overloaded by all the things you need to do? Taught by a therapist, this class offers strategies to reduce tension, creative a better work-life balance and learn the mental and emotional techniques to help...
by Don Wallach | Nov 18, 2018 | Events/Classes
For both husbands and wives and significant others, this class teaches how to create a happier more emotionally connected relationship. You will learn skills to communicate better and strategies to help your partner understand you, and to help you understand your...
by Don Wallach | Sep 11, 2018 | Articles
The Art of Coming Home from Work. Due to problems in the marriage, coming home from work can be challenging for couples – – and an emotionally painful thing to do. Spouses may avoid each other, not wanting to feel the distrust, emotional distance and...
by Don Wallach | Sep 4, 2018 | Articles
Why Apologies do not always work. Apologies do not always work so well, at repairing damaged relationships for a reason. The reason is this – that many people have a misunderstanding of what an apology is and what it is for. And many people avoid offering...
by Don Wallach | Aug 11, 2018 | Articles
Managing Your Experience of Depression. At one time or another, everybody has felt “down”, low spirits, or at least a mild temporary hint of depression. Some know the deeper pain of a strong depression. For either situation, the things you do can have an influence...