Emotional Wounds: Dealing With Hurts and Resentments

Emotional Wounds: Dealing With Hurts and Resentments

Emotional Wounds.  Men and women are different in how they process and store emotions.  There are always exceptions to this rule, but I’m about to describe how the majority of men and women deal with hurt and resentment.  Both genders feel hurt and resentment, and...
Emotional Explosions & Arguments in your Relationship

Emotional Explosions & Arguments in your Relationship

Emotional Explosions and Arguments in Your Relationship. Are you having too many arguments in your relationship or marriage? I’ve been working with a lot of couples over the years.  One of the most common concerns they bring up are arguments that get too aggressive....
It’s Not Always Fair in Relationship

It’s Not Always Fair in Relationship

No, it’s Not Always Fair in Relationship. Every person is an individual, with distinct needs, strengths and weaknesses.  The happiest couples are learning more everyday about who their partner is, and what makes them happy.  And they take action, at least some...
New Communication Skills for your Marriage!

New Communication Skills for your Marriage!

All the Social Social Skills in the World. There are thousands of socials skills that exist in the world.  No one can possibly know all of them.  I don’t know all of them, and you don’t know all of them either.  Social skills are not only the things we say, but also...

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